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Tai Chi - 300039

Sun Style Tai Chi for Arthritis - is a medically proven most effective, gentle and easy breathing low-impact workout that has cured hundreds of Americans with such problems as arthritis, joints/knees pains, balance, muscle/tendon, cardiorespiratory & overweight (Dr. Paul Lam, 2003). It combines Qigong (breathing practice) in all body movements gently & safely. It opens up one’s energy channels to pump energy flows throughout entire body to strengthen our muscles, spine, bones & joints. Without surprise, it also helps people lose excessive fat/weighs effectively.

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Diabetes - Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art, Qi Gong (breathing exercise to increase Oxygen level in human body) that incorporates the diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation with varied gentle, slow and soft movements. Previous studies have shown that it improves respiratory and cardiovascular functions, while improving flexibility and relieving stress. In particular, its positive healing effects on chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, and overweight problems have been clinically proven by numerous researchers and health institutes. Tai Chi improves balance, immune system response, regulates blood sugar level, stress release, weight loss, and flexibility in contrast to strenuous physical activities, which depresses it.

Yang Style Tai Chi for Diabetes – Tai Chi is one of the ancient Chinese martial arts, known as harmonious and gentle “Moving Meditation” or “Shadow Boxing” created in China over 3000 years ago. The principles of Tai Chi derive from the Daoist philosophy and the Book of Change (I Ching, 易經). All changes exist Tai Chi, the continuing flows of two opposing forces yin (陰) and yang 陽).

Immune Boost Qigong - Is a "walking meditation" that strengthens our immune system & protects our body against viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and germs. It promotes and balances our internal energy that's healing, healthy and vital. Vital energy is called "Qi", and Qigong refers to the soft upper body Tai Chi movements/practices to increase our vital Qi and boost our immunity.
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Unavailable Tai Chi for Arthritis 03/05/2024 -05/28/2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Tu Belk Activity Center Unavailable